Thank you for visiting my site! My blog could be considered a resource guide for educational and informational purposes. (And sometimes expressing my blind love for kitty cats and venting about some of their less than stellar habits.) To write my articles and recipe posts I use my own experiences, the experiences of others and various other resources and inspiration including but not limited to the wild wild web, The Joy of Cooking cookbook (what? you didn't buy the original version published in 1931?) and/ or the Bible. (Kidding. But who knows maybe not.) That said, any advice I may give does not come with any guarantees. By visiting this site, you are essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that I make no guarantees, and you won't sue me or report me to whoever you consider to be a higher authority. Your mom? No. The police? No. Your God? Still no. Any qualms you have with me or what I choose to share here are between you and your therapist.
Sharing my Opinion with you
Of course, this is based on me taking a quick look, sans magnifying glass, as a favor. That said, my advice and opinion is taken into account at your own risk, but for proper analysis, hire a lawyer/doctor/nutritionist/other licensed professional - preferably one with a fancy certificate on the wall.
Affiliate Links
Guess what? If you click on a link that I've provided, it might be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you buy something from their site. That means that I might get paid if you click on that link. And the reason why I'm telling you this is because I want to be upfront with you, and because it's illegal not to. That said, I promise to use any affiliate commissions earned for good causes: Things like reinvesting in this business to bring you even better resources and content, and maybe even to fuel my own unhealthy obsessions. These include but are not limited to: the purchase of cookbooks, the acquisition of pretty food props and the perusal of supplies for binding fan-fiction. Sorry not sorry.
Updated April 4, 2023